

never judge me
i have my rights
to discrimninate
to hate
to love

what you see
its not half of me
but a pinch

buy my time

04thDec.confirmation day
05thDec.starlearner's gradation concert
06thDec.ben&jerry chunk fest
08thDec.hari raya haj
19thDec.x'mas with company=)=)
25thDec.x'mas whopee!


sing sing sing


over & done

April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008

their stories

Dan @ wordpress
Hamd @ blogspot
Ner @ blogspot
Sew @ wordpress
Kak Seri @ blogspot
Kak Sal @ diaryland
Rand @ blogspot
Wallace @ blogspot
Jess @ blogspot
Kak Has @ mutiply


skin by: Jane
Saturday, September 30, 2006 @ 6:48 AM

girls in action.. includes a lot screaming Posted by Picasa

@ 6:46 AM

.. we may be fasting but that did not stop us from playing a hell of a game yesterday... Posted by Picasa

@ 6:22 AM

its 6 in the morning and i cant get my eyes shut... thinking of the dream which i had earlier ago.. puts a smile on my face..

i'm so getting myself a ben & jerry cookie dough tonight!! be it small or big.. only for myself... where can i get it at woodlands area??.......

the day before... i had my last physical education lesson in my secondary school life.. lets hope for my entire life.. and i brought along my camera.. and we had fun snapping pictures here and there...

Thursday, September 28, 2006 @ 11:03 PM

pinky is acting weird for 2 nights now and im getting pretty worried.. she runs away when i get near her.. which has never happen before except when we are playing tag.. having her to run away from me and hissing at me constant times last night brought me to tears worrying like hell.. who the hell took my pinky away from me??.. what happen to her?

insecurities are white lies that feeds on my self confidence.. just like paranoia.. it gets the best of me and i could just breakdown as easily as ABC...

maybe cher is right.. i should avoid this particular person.. let particular person be Lz.. its best that i dont get too deep into this feeling that i have for him.. i have no idea if its too late.. i have no idea if i should stay and carry on liking him.. cause im missing him loads..

Wednesday, September 27, 2006 @ 3:16 PM

its demoralising me... i'm in a 'i need chunks of chocolates and Ben & Jerry cookie dough' mood..

the 27th is... firstly.. my parents wedding anniversary.. and secondly.. cher's birthdate.. my parent's marriage has turn 19 while cherlyn is 17 years old now...

let me sleep now.. my eyes has never been the same since i have been sleeping late for a month....

damn you guys... so freaking fucking pissed today...

Tuesday, September 26, 2006 @ 1:15 AM

justin giving me the thumbs down.. dont i look a rocker chick?.. hmm..nah i dont..haha Posted by Picasa

@ 1:13 AM

oohh.. upset that we have to leave earlier than expected due to the weather.. big boys dont cry you know! Posted by Picasa

@ 1:12 AM

i love this class.. you guys rock! Posted by Picasa

@ 1:11 AM

derran..jia jun..caleb..jason(at the back)...alan(lying dwn) justin.. wallace and ah loo.. hehe.. all so err.. cute? Posted by Picasa

@ 1:09 AM ying!! Posted by Picasa

@ 1:08 AM

nice.. breathe taking... we even saw kingfishers fishing for fish.. hahax Posted by Picasa

@ 1:06 AM

stupid cheeky bastard..  Posted by Picasa

@ 1:05 AM

such sweet partner justin is to qai!!!.. how come derran wasn't like this to me??!! Posted by Picasa

@ 12:53 AM

us girls look hot on bikes.. derran couldnt get his eyes off us all..haha Posted by Picasa

@ 12:51 AM

trespassing state land.. caleb got scared Posted by Picasa

@ 12:51 AM

cycling..... with alan leading the us and jas a.k.a cameraman & caleb taking care of us from the back.. Posted by Picasa

@ 12:47 AM

we are so hype for the fun and adventure to come Posted by Picasa

Saturday, September 23, 2006 @ 11:38 PM

damn im tired.. and it seems everyone falling apart.. poor thing huh the world.. can anyone mend it? mother nature is dying... and global warming is so causing it.. seen the VMA 2006?.. yeah.. the ice is really melting and soon the world will be flooded and then.. JUDGEMENT DAY.. okay i'm full of crap...

on thursday was the last day of my fucked up prelims examinations and my class celebrated it by heading to pulau ubin for a fun cycling trip.. but.. it came to 14 of us who was ..hmm whats the word?.. SPORTING enough to agree upon the idea... they really were in a great loss cause we really had some great times..

alan ensured that all the 8 girls.. our chairman was the only chinese girl.. and us remaining girls were the only malays that went.. had a male partner.. i partnered up with the one and only derran..haha.. and it was all almost perfect.. jas and caleb paired themselves to take care of the 'herd' from the back.. we screamed yelled shouted and hollered like we own the freaking island.. it was super hilarious.. i never had so much fun with my class ever.. wrote our name here and there and even trespassed..ssshh!!... cant upload the hundreds of pictures taken by jas now.. my usb cable has done the dissappearing act on me..

about 12 hours ago.. i was queing up for a 7.80 bucks buffet.. its high tea at the scotts hotel.. the response was really overwhelming.. fuck.. the freaking que was like the 100m long... from insinde of the hotel to its outside and to the next building.. response was that good.. they even attracted the CNA to interview us typical singaporean.. i qued for 3 damn long hours and not joining my family and relatives for the high tea!!... had an appointment with jas and cher...

since the fasting month is beginning in like... 5 hours more.. i cant celebrate cher's bday on the day itself..besides.. parent's anniversary is coincedencely on the 27th too... so we had an early celebration.. which was okay.. had dinner and watch a movie.. it was 'aight' you know.. and those 2 freaks really played a prank on me.. which im so pissed off with.. damn it.. but hey.. i made mistakes so i just have to get over it and admit what i done earlier on was just NAIVE and STUPID..

been belching alot for the past 3 days.. nice... and awaiting for the loss of 5 kg when 24th Oct comes..

Tuesday, September 19, 2006 @ 8:39 PM

i'm back at this 'mumbai park'.. and i dont give the name just as i like.. this condominium really lives up to its name..

my room has been revamp and has nothing that reminds me of the old room.. well except for that freaking wardrobe that is too heavy and costly to be thrown away.. the outcome is not so bad.. i do like it.. with a queen size bed to share with sis.. its pretty comfortable i might add.. and pinky has her own bed now.. got her a miniature bed that was meant for was too adorable just to look at so i bought it... most of the furniture in my room are from ikea.. heck i think all including the closet bed and study table...

finally my bro has his own room to destoy.. thank God.. finally i can breathe and do whatever i want in the room..

Thursday, September 14, 2006 @ 5:52 PM

when i have things to tell.. i cant keep it any longer cause i'll get too forgetful about it.. but that got nothing to do with what im writing about next.. or i guess it does.. things to share what i am thinking.. maybe you guys will think why in the right mind would i have the mind set that people would be interested in knowing whats swimming in my head.. to tell you the truth i have no answer to that...

people ask why we have blogs.. some will say.. its an online journal.. and its just a way of sharing their daily life events globally.. others just considers it as their 15 mins of fame with publicizing themselves..but who cares? no one does?

so what is fiza thinking?.. to get into my mind you need to be prepared with the thoughts swimming everywhere constantly like it never stops.. i have spent the most about 4 hours on bed and just do nothing but think and stare at my ceiling.. and no.. i have not lost it.. im perfectly alright.. i can give you a list of a 50 what i have thought about for the last 3 hours.. see no point writing such things down..

even if i see no point of sharing my thoughts and feelings and dreams in this blog.. i see no reason why not end it.. but i choose not to.. and you wont have any interest about it do you?.. i rest my case...

fizah is good at talking things that make no sense at all and she enjoys making readers if there even is any haha..doing so..

when paranoia going to welcome back my chest pain.. or was it due to my eating?

that whole entry doesnt go anywhere don't it?.. well..thats glad to know..

just so you know.. kevin clash is the man behind ELMO... that cute red furry puppet that you would just want to squeeze tightly.. and no kevin clash is no vertically challenged short sighted guy.. but a tall well built black guy.. who is almost as adorable as ELMO.. and that make you go thinking.. thats amazing how he made his deep low voice to a squeling tone.. but who gives a shit?.. i dont..

now i want to have elmo for myself.. anyone can get me one?..

Wednesday, September 13, 2006 @ 8:09 PM

stupid cat.. do i look like an object where you can just mark your territory in anyway you want to!.. this is why i never owned any male cats!!.. damn you!..

has Singapore Idol turn viewers into racist?.. i've been told from people that johnathan & jasmine fans and voting hady out just because they don't want another malay singapore idol before.. thats not fair isnt it?.. so singaporeans viewers ..

WHAT THE HELL are you thinking?.. first you thought that this fucking competition was about cute & popularity.. now you're changing it into a competition of race?.. i think because of that..Mathilda was out right???.. shame on you stereotype freaks! I may be a malay but if Mathilda was still in this competition i vote her to win.. i mean its a singing competition for God's sake.. you vote for those who can really sing and not some pretty face..

So what if hady's going to nail it or johnathan going to nail it?.. let them be and have stress free.. they're really good singers.. jasmine?.. she's only good at ballads thats all..honestly she's sucks.. but her performances last week was pretty good..

you people really sucks..

@ 3:47 PM


so freaking angry.. very very very very very very very angry... GOD DAMN IT!!!!.. I'm not getting the bed that I wanted!!! all the hopes getting to design my own room is wasted.. so no more korean room for me.. damn it damn it damn it!!!!

i really wanted to have korean theme for my room.. very low platform bed against my window with a low dressing table placed near the entrance.. and all figured out.. with my wall paintings.. damn it.. i cant imagine my mom wants a fucking country theme for my room.. its stupid... hate this.. i wont like any shit of this... so much of getting all anticipated of decorating up my own room...

yeah yeah yeah.. you can never get all the things you want in life.. just so fucking pissed about all of this.. fuck it...

damn it damn it damn it!!!!!!!!!

whatever it is.. shi jie mo ri and hong mo fang can make up for everything... and wont forget about oori oppa..

Sunday, September 10, 2006 @ 4:19 AM

its what?.. hmm.. 4 in the morning and i'm still as hyper as ever.. maybe its yong jian's fault.. made me laugh so hard.. fucker... see if he's gonna call back when he said he's gonna..

i'm lazy to update for today... night night guys!

Saturday, September 09, 2006 @ 12:26 AM

I got it!!! I got it!!! I got it!!! I got it!!!

I got it!!! I got it!!! I got it!!! I got it!!!

I got it!!! I got it!!! I got it!!! I got it!!!

I got it!!! I got it!!! I got it!!! I got it!!!

ommo ommo!!.. I got it!!!!!!.. erm.. well yes you know that already.. i'm the happiest girl right now.. and nobody is gonna stop me from flying to the moon tonight.. haha... i love the smell.. i love the design of the album... so shiny.. im bad at description!.. maybe i should get the reviews from jasmine and i link you guys to it..

BATAM TRIP in short
.loved Harris Hotel.. to a certain extent
.despise damn cocky guide.. she has pms i think
.visited a very 'ulu' kampong school.. i'm more grateful
.dried food frenzy!
.seafood feast
.20 minutes of shopping given
.goodbye batam

20 minutes of shopping given

oh god.. you wont imagine how pissed i was when we were told that we had a very short period of time shopping at the Mega Mall!!.. i really meant short!!.. 20 minutes!!!.. what the hell did we do within 20 minutes?.. run like headless chickens of course.. we are not familliarise with the mall true?.. so we were like running around.. and panting like dogs... every shop we went in only had what?.. ermm.. 2-3 minutes of viewing.. God.. well.. i did buy like 3 tops.. and i did not even try them.. took them off the rack and paid them.. very cheap!!.. altogether was like R157.000... around $20-25 i suppose.. when the time reached 4.20.. we were running down the escalators and dashed towards the entrance... there were even sales people cheering us on.. i was like err.. okay...

i want to do more shopping there.. maybe next trip.. me & Ain.. gonna bring guys cause one thing for sure.. it aint safe for girls to be there alone.. need more security with us.. hopefully when our O's are done.. we'll be some crazy shopaholics spending millions & millions of rupiah there..If God Wills It..

Tuesday, September 05, 2006 @ 4:20 PM






*slaps self to regain back to normal!*

just in case you guys are wondering why the madness... one name..Zhou Jie Lun, Jay Chou...

ommo.. i love him so much.. he has more effect on me than ji hun oppa... i just watched his new videos.. and i went weak on my knees in the Faraway MV..the same effect when i heard the second new song with jas' yesterday and i have gone beyond control when i saw the
Twilight Chapter Seven MV.. Nan Quan Mama appeared too.. oh gosh... i loved the last part!!!!!!

@ 12:47 AM

monday has been ruined... by who else?.. that stupid brother of mine obviously?.. he's born to make my life miserable.. someone please shoot him..

the things that made me happy today
.got myself Jay's Still Fantasy Poster *yells*
.listened to Jay's second song with jas' *heart really melted*
.i saw someone.. *smiling*

okay today was a really long day.. woke up pretty early and went to jas's house.. dont know why actually and we went to collect 5a1 list of expiry dates and went to school... had lunch and straight to singapore poly.. had a 4 hours talk or whatever thingy and both of us went to bugis and got made a pre order for the Still Fantasy Album.. and later on jas' overheard a radio station.. 93.3fm debuting jay's second song of the album... oh man.. i dont give a damn to the lyrics which i had no idea whats its about..such shame..and was like.. i love the song.. i love the ending part where he sings.. both of us were like mesmerised by it.. and i was like so happy and kinda dissapointed the same time..

the melody i heard it before.. the song if im not wrong.. is Hu Ti Ci.. and a duet with Jolin.. but i bet its her song and not Jay's... i cant wait for fri... so so so excited.. and yeah i saw half of the new MV where he had a duet with another singer who kind of sucks..

life is such a misery when you have a retarded dickhead for an egotistical brother


Monday, September 04, 2006 @ 12:21 AM

whatever i planned to do for today.. never happened.. well.. i did gave my hair treatment..

still not yet asleep.. i dont know why... hmm.. i guess i betta knock out soon.. need to reach jas' house early in the morning and head to school and make my way to singapore poly for some talk... and which later going to exicted so excited.. and get my hands on Jay Chou's Still Fantasy album.. well..

actually the releasing date is set on 8th of Sept.. but due to some fucking piracy going on.. the Alfa company released it earlier so it wont affect the sales.. can you imagine how impatient fans can be.. every year there will be leakage and all jay's hardwork will be useles...haiz.. fuck piracy.. .. it really spoils everything.. so.. 5th september.. i am crossing my fingers hard that i still can get a copy of the pre order sale...

Aaaaahhhhhh... so cant wait for the poster!!... i've seen it and its so diao!.. but still have to wait for the next next day for the copy.. who cares.. i can wait.. i only cant wait for the poster!

okay.. im being a hypocrite.. well.. its not i never did any illegal downloading of songs.. but when it comes to jay & rain/bi.. originality is the best.. haha..

Saturday, September 02, 2006 @ 11:48 PM

im tired.. my eyes hurt and im going to sleep with an empty stomach.. well not really.. ate ice cream and chocolates..

just came back from celebrating hamd's b'day.. met jas' first.. went to starhub to report a stupid card and later on.. look around for jas's prom shoes.. went for bowling with der..mer..cher..ner.. cass.. sew and hamd.. had dinner and walked home.. okay.. seems average to me.. but for hamd.. he was pretty pleased.. im glad he is.. and yeah.. met jess.. so long since i seen her... still as pretty as ever... aish.. me?.. oh god.. don't get me started

hmm i wonder how much weight i lost?

plans for tomorrow
. study! complete my maths!
. attend my tuition lesson?... must check with him
. get more sleep!..
. take my sweater back!.. really missing it
. clean up my closet!!!.. its a jungle!
. pamper my hair!!..
. & weigh myself!!!!

i think that should be it.. another boring day for me i guess... nights

Friday, September 01, 2006 @ 1:11 PM

i saw you in my dreams.. miss you so dearly

blaming pinky for the eye bags!.. kept waking me up just for a neck rub for the past whole week..

i dreamt that i was screaming for jas.. okay.. i know that i was in need of help and was lost and i kept screming for him in that dream...way freaky freaky. so when i woke up.. i kept thinking... am i too dependent on him when im in a lost state?.. he's always the one im hanging on to whenever i fall for the past 2 years.. this is bad.. i think.. im not sure about this..

got to make a desicion.. should i get rid of it all?..